19 Feb 2025


Wearnes CDD-820 CD-ROM Driver

Company: Wearnes
Model: CDD-820
Operating System: DOS (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 8208x.zip


Wearnes CDD-820 Driver. found file using search engine and filename "8208x". listed at www.vobis.de/bbs/support/breff061. have to scroll down, many mfgs listed, language is German I think.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 2771 03-21-96 12:09 ENGLISH.TXT 3101 03-20-96 17:57 FRENCH.TXT 3140 03-20-96 18:10 SPANISH.TXT 3191 03-21-96 18:31 ITALIAN.TXT 3098 03-21-96 18:31 GERMAN.TXT 3157 03-08-96 11:52 DUTCH.TXT 3196 03-21-96 12:07 JAPANESE.TXT 9596 07-08-94 01:00 WCD101.SYS 10095 10-16-94 01:00 WCD114.SYS 8202 10-21-94 01:00 WCD115.SYS 8981 10-24-95 14:37 WCD220.SYS 8583 04-08-94 01:00 WCD012.SYS 10965 03-21-96 17:47 WCD230.SYS 10965 03-25-96 11:17 WCD231.SYS 73863 04-08-96 15:28 INSTALL.EXE 25431 02-04-92 03:21 M1.EXE 25377 03-10-93 07:00 M2.EXE 3549 03-25-96 10:50 README 37 06-12-97 22:29 file_id.diz -------- ---- 217298 19 files

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